Cycles of Meaning, Faith and Trust

Monika Bravo
11 min readApr 7, 2022


Jupiter + Neptune in Pisces, a 166 year Rendez-vous

Old Norse ‘Svefnthorn’ [Sleep Thorn], an ancient magic rune used to put their foes into a deep slumber for a very long time.


I’ve been watching movies about Norse mythology, Vikings, fighting, survival, rulerships, kingdoms, and betrayals… and it all sums up to remembering about past lives where I used to be a warrior out for blood, memories of killing Christians who were in the mission of converting pagans that fought for a truth about a belief system (that I no longer hold true.) I wouldn’t fight for those things anymore, although I had a recollection of when I was little, being so attached to ideals that I believed my truth was absolute. I no longer fight, but because my path is now to integrate how I identified with ideals so strongly, that in the past led me to fight and even kill. I’ve been watching, and there’s a part of me that is kind of detached watching this, understanding that at the very end, it all adds to nothing in the context of the life that I have right now, and if I were to translate what sovereignty means, it’s not like rulership, of a man that claims the land, to protect his people under his rule, in exchange of protection for his own life, and with an army that is going to help protect the borders from any invader that might come and take the goods, the money, the coins, and to enslave the people.

There’s a very interesting theme of sacrifice because the ruler is seen as somebody who sacrifices his or her life in order to protect the rest of the people, but at the same time it is viewed as, and judged by, the people that support his or her dominion as someone that has to be bloody and cold-minded, and not a big heart, although it is interesting that often rulers led with their hearts, truly believing what they were doing was right. I’m trying to get into these archetypes because there’s a tension right now that I feel personally with the duties of the things that I have to do in order to keep face, or to keep a relationship with how I am seen in the court, or in the world — people see me, and I wonder, “Am I doing the right thing? Is this thing going to lead me to more work, or more recognition or more approval?” And then how little joy I have when I meet these things as duties, and it’s a big weight on me. It’s like there’s a duty to serve the king, there’s a duty to serve the land… I’m going back and saying, well, first of all, I don’t want it to be a duty, because the moment that it is a duty, it just eliminates any sense of joy. The intention is to honor– to honor my life with a sense of joy, engaging each moment with joy, relating on a one-to-one basis with every problem.

In times of war, I hold space for my own separation…

It has a lot to do with relational values because the warrior ‘me’ had the duty to protect something that was bigger than me, like a godhead or an ideal, but this points now, instead, to the tension that I can integrate as I learn to have a new relationship with and discern how I’m going to relate (or not) on a moment-to-moment basis. Every moment is a perfect moment for me to decide whether what I’m doing is out of duty, or out of love, out of honor, just defining the intention behind everything, to make the whole act one of awareness. The intention is to have a clear relationship with how I am doing things with a sense of joy or a sense of duty, because the moment that I fall into duty I just start hating it, and it feels heavy, and I start thinking to myself, “Why do I have to do that– that’s not making me have fun!?” Can I do something that I haveto do with a different intention? Can I do the same exact thing, but can I relate to it differently? And the answer is yes, of course– I can relate to it with a sense of joy, grace, and gratitude, that I actually have the opportunity to shift my perspective and do something like that so that I can understand how I can relate to it differently.

There’s a part in one of the series that I’m watching where the Christian says to the Pagan Dane something like, “Oh, Valhalla and Heaven are the same,” and I’m like, “Yeah, of course, there are the same, it’s just a place we put in our heads, thinking it gives meaning, and gives us a reason to kill, because if we didn’t believe that there was that Heaven or that Valhalla, then we would be here making sure that we live with peace on Earth.” Any division I have within myself is going to take away the opportunity for me to see it, and even though it could be a little bit challenging, that’s ok, in the sense that the challenge actually motivates me to find a different way to relate to it, there’s a tension that is released by just understanding it, and then to integrate it… with a smile, with a hug, that will help–with a “Bravo!”, with a clapping, that will help even more.

04.01.2022 AM- What is brewing:

“…A small step is what this cycle is offering — It should be a step ahead of our past traditional social, cultural and religious sense of human relationship. Unfortunately, such a step tends to lead at first to confusion, disarray, dismay, perhaps temporary blindness and panicky escape “back to the womb” of what may be thought to be a secure and familiar institution or religious organization. However, progress is only through the confusion and the glowing mist over the hills, yonder. There is no way ever of going ahead, except through!

Through Neptune the great moment for this transcendence (literally, this “stepping through”) is when Neptune meets Jupiter, for it is, theoretically at least, the moment when the “form” of our future becomes visible, however dimly, to our consciousness. Alas, the great majority of people refuse to see; or, if they see, to understand; or, if they understand with their mind, to act according to their understanding (which refers, then, to Pluto); or, if they act, to have the dynamic faith and perseverance to sustain the action.” — Dane Rudhyar

The energy that can lead to victimhood is really quite interesting. If we look at the sky as a chart, pretty much everything is on one side of it. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn is like a toothpick, making sure since 2008 that there’s not a single bit of bacteria left, so it won’t rot, all corrosive agents must be removed or they will keep rottening the social institutions. We still have a couple more years left for this transformation, and it’s getting really deep where it’s confronting any kind of corruption or corrosion that has been built up in society, church, institutions, politics…

As of now, Mars and Saturn are starting a new 2-year cycle on the 5th of April. This could be a very interesting connection because the Lord of War and Anger is meeting the Lord of Definition and Structure in Aquarius, which is anything that is beyond time or definition– -they both square the lunar nodes- so it’s interesting because this Aries energy wants to start something, Mars just wants to start so quick, it doesn’t want to think about it, it just wants to go, go, go! But Saturn is saying, “Ok, dude, hold on, what is it you want to build? Where are you going to go? Do you have a plan?” And Mars says, “Of course, I don’t have a plan, I just want to break free and go somewhere else where nobody has been, I want to reach the new frontier.” And Saturn is going, “Yeah, I get it, but there is some work that we have to do before you do that. Have you checked your commitments to yourself? Have you checked your addictions? Have you checked what you are attached to? Have you done the work, Mars? Because I see that you want to go catch up with Venus, she just went ahead of you, and she’s going to be in Pisces pretty soon playing songs and getting high on devotion, but we’re going to leave her alone until we figure out what we really have to let go of, where are we going to commit ourselves, and to really ground ourselves and commit on day-to-day to something that is fulfilling, something that we can plant and have seeds and have the new Earth, the new beginning.”

Then we move to the next sign, Pisces, and then we have an event that hasn’t happened in 166 years, Jupiter, the seeker, next to Neptune, the mystical one, the one that wants to go back to Source, but when you have not done the work of addiction and letting go of your attachments, is the one that is going to go to the liquor store and get the bottle of whiskey, or call the dealer and get some weed, or sit down and cry and cry and feel completely victimized because it doesn’t know what to do. This energy is very important right now because if you as an individual have not taken accountability to look at these parts in your life that are not wholesome, you’re going to cling to whatever you have in front of yourself, even if it’s not good for you, because it’s going to give you a feeling that you have something to hold on to. But the more you hold on to that, the more you’re going to feel the victim because you will not feel any power of sovereignty. You’re going to start wanting to go in different directions, but with no solidification, and if people don’t do the work, the work’s going to be shown to the people in a very bad way, and it’s going to get cut short. This is also a crucial time because we had the new moon last week in Aries that is saying, “Hey, you know, you have to confront your vulnerabilities, you have to start a new cycle, but if you have not done the work and are not completely grounded, what kind of cycle are you going to start?”

If you have not really looked back and seen that 2020 was The Big Pause, we all listened to the whistle in the middle of the field where we were asked to stop and we had time to go inside of ourselves, stay home, and look at things that were not working, making sure of the things that needed to be revised… And then last year we were marinating, like the contents for the BBQ, but we were still waiting to see what to do because we were not allowed to go anywhere, and we were still doing the work inside… And then this year all of a sudden the gates are open, and everybody’s running for their lives– but if there’s no plan and there’s no structure, and there’s no clean-up, and there’s no Mari Kondo, making sure that you stay with what is needed, then whatever you’re going to initiate is completely based on chaos. It is about doing the work of whatever is controlling you, and integrating it so you cannot control others or let others control you. This is the most amazing opportunity that we have in the world right now, to become sovereign. The more sovereign you are, the freer you are, and the more you can choose who to spend your time with, what to do with that time, and even how to engage in new creative endeavors that will actually give you satisfaction because you’re going to be completely self-sufficient in that way–you’re going to be decentralized.

The last of the planets in Taurus is Uranus, which is about breaking free from the known, breaking free from trauma, and grounding ourselves with new ideas, and new horizons. Once we do the Saturn work, that is the accountability, and once we do the Scorpio work that is about making sure that the attachments are taken care of, and once we do the Jupiter/Neptune work where we understand that even if what we seek is some sort of bliss, we need to have one foot on the ground because that bliss could end up being like a very bad movie if we’re not really looking at things as they are. So that energy, it’s incredible, but at the same time it could be like one of those parties where you go and you think at the very beginning it’s great, but then you end up cleaning up the shit of other people.

04.01.2022 PM ,The end of victimization:

If there’s some sort of victimization in your life right now, because you are disempowered, and you still haven’t had the courage to face your own attachments coming with the face of fear or anger. So how do you do that? You’ve got to take one step outside of yourself, observe things as they are, look at and label them for what they are with discernment– you have to use the polarity of Pisces which is Virgo, so you can say, “Well, the room is a mess,” or, “I didn’t brush my teeth.” Name things as they are. You do something about it. You become accountable. And once you start becoming accountable, day by day and moment by moment, with yourself, with what you tell yourself, with how you speak to yourself, then slowly you start realizing that a lot of the stuff that you are crying about is something that you probably didn’t know how to do, because you were not shown, or because you were waiting for somebody to do it for you, and you were longing and projecting and expecting…

Just hold space for yourself, tend to your needs, talk to yourself in a very sweet way, and teach yourself how to do those things, as if you were a puppy. You’ve got to pet yourself, you’ve got to show yourself how to do it, and take it moment by moment, and then you will, with frequency and repetition, master whatever you do.

The interesting thing about Neptune is that trust doesn’t come from the outside. The trust has to be coming from inside of yourself. If you’re still putting trust in others, you’re not doing the work. Trust is the moment that you know that you can do it, that you can actually go within yourself to find the Source. That’s what the potential is right now. So in order to overturn the idea of “Why is this happening to me?” you say, “Oh, what can I do in order to get reconnected?” It’s almost like you have a plug inside that has never been connected to Source, and you’re walking around with this plug and you go, “What is this for?” So you try the iPhone, you try the computer, you try other people, and it doesn’t fit. But the moment you realize that that plug is about reconnecting to your needs, then everything starts opening up and the perception of your life completely changes. And that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have days where you don’t feel down or awkward — but those are the days that are going to give you more information about how to keep on transforming with the shadow that you’re projecting.

This beautiful planetary conjunction where the two giants and mythical brothers meet in Pisces ( Jupiter expansion — seeker of truth — social constructs along with Saturn — creates institutions — religion — nationalism defining behavior and social constructs- and Neptune, the return to the source, the lord of the sea and anything pertaining the non-physical compassionate divine realm.

When these cycles occur in the sign of Pisces the relationship between ideals and society’s expectations is completely dissolved making space to seed for the new-

Audio whispers:

I intertwine between the spoken and the written word, hear my insights (different content) below:

00:00 INTRO PERSONAL insights on the choices I made for myself

03:01 Jupiter + Neptune in Pisces, a 166-year Rendez-vous

08:30 How this new cycle applies personally to you

10:00 Gate 51 awakening

You will find all the links about my artwork, my astrology sessions + interviews + articles + more: my link.tree and my integrated bio



Monika Bravo
Monika Bravo

Written by Monika Bravo

Multi-disciplinary Artist - Evolutionary_Astrology- - Human being - I embody my own perspective

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