Feeling the feet; the initial stage of Nurturing Grounding.

Monika Bravo
7 min readJun 15, 2022


Whispers and messages from the full moon in Sagittarius.

The first fundamental foundation training in Taijiquan: “rooting’. Internet image

…An initial shock followed by following what lies within-

Seeing the external with internal eyes and mindset.



Solid ground

Yet open sky,

No boundaries.

A cliff on the left,

A green expansive field full of mossy little trees on the front and the right,

The sky is clear,

And the warmth of my father’s voice whispering

It is alright — with assertiveness define your pace, trusting step by step.

If you look back, do it with gratitude

Looking forward with curiosity

The sun and the moon are opposite each other and the Lord of the Seas, Neptune makes a 90-degree angle — my Venus is blinded by the Sun as the Moon shines his light delivering this message:

Let’s take the thoughts that have become worries and tap into the intuitive knowing;

Trust your Spirit which guides the light in the darkness, and at this moment also is asking to find a synthesis in the contrast between structure, discipline, direction, and the not knowing that is curious to feel free by exploring new, never walked territories

-Why the rush in finding an identity or persona when I can test, try and embody what is offered in the realm of the present moment?

A figure, a totem, (or is it the image of a solid tree?) is seen on the horizon — its message is one:

Stand still if you want to feel both the ground and the wind

A sudden thunder illuminates briefly the dark night sky, contrasting with the purple and the white of the sudden lightning strike -

Oh, how exciting! Then, within seconds, I follow the path of the sage, a big smile, and I know as the tree, that nature, knows.

Its wisdom is my value -

I walk to the edge of the frame. I leave you now -

-Thank you, Father; Thank you, darkness

The light and I are walking as one-

Full moon Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Mars and Chiron conjunct

Venus and Uranus, too


New terrains.

Anxiety creeps as I test my new identity.

Trust the knowing and curiosity

What is solid?

What is solid as the ground?

What is sudden change?

In mid-January 1973, Dad suddenly passed away in a car crash while making a U-turn looking for cigarettes. The tree stopped the car, and his life was cut short at 37, he had just experienced his second nodal return (every 18.6 years), the sun was on his NN, opposing his South Node Pluto conjunction, transiting Mars had just touched Neptune and it was making a T square to his Saturn and opposition to Saturn, fate, life was suddenly dissolved and T Uranus made a fatal sudden T square to the nodes of the Moon-Pluto.

You were gone so long ago,

I built an image of what I needed

I shaped you the way I wanted.

And imagined a relationship.

Wonder– imagination, poetry, all from Neptunian traits

The day you died was 10 days after a solar eclipse; they say souls decide on eclipses to enter or leave the earth’s realm-

I know your short time here has a concrete purpose. I looked at my chart and the transit on the day you left and it is now resonating deeply as I am integrating the absence with a supportive presence

The sudden shock, unexpected turn of events… trained me to a constant shifting that I hated at first and which I now surrender to with less resistance-

There was Neptune-Mars conjunction squaring my natal Uranus Pluto — Saturn in Pisces opposition, sudden dissolution of life -

I used to say that looking for you, or looking for your essence, I found my own. that is when emptiness is full of presence.

Thus I am no longer seeking; Mars-Neptune was in Sagittarius,

Transiting Saturn was squaring my 2nd house Chiron (vulnerabilities in relating to my needs). That was a sharp pain close to my Venus — self-value came from investigating the codependencies created by seeking your presence in every intimate relationship.

Transiting Pluto was squaring my nodes

A crisis that brought an opportunity to integrate inner and outer authority — it all took time

Transiting Uranus opposing Mars

Well… suddenly, shockingly

Transiting Mars was squaring Pluto

So the theme was there — a sudden action leads to loss of physical life creating a traumatic event.

An impulsive act that generated sudden change in the structure of my own safety and initiated a journey of self-inquiry to arrive at a moment where it has been completed

A full 50-year Chiron return — I am now integrating this pain-

Who am I?

“Gene Key 63 Doubt — Inquiry — Truth

“The 63rd Siddhi exists already. It has existed forever. We already know and are Truth. After Completion, the Truth will stand revealed for us all to see. This is the only Truth there is. At the same time, we’re moving through a hall of mirrors as we witness the unraveling of Truth.”

– Richard Rudd, 64 Ways”

My sense of knowledge is my security, my sense of curiosity as well as the intention to share it, is my capital, my wealth.

There lies my chief wealth, stock, property…

to study, train, ask, inquire, experience, create content, and spread it.

-Fear is ignorance-

Or rather ignorance is shaped by fear.

Back then the potential of flowing, moving, a mutable cross in the signs of Pisces- Virgo and Sagittarius — the bending or release point in Gemini- curiosity led me to self-inquiry and to find my truth (gate 63), the unconscious Mars in my Human Design (also my core wound)- When I enter into self-doubt, I kill any potential for truth — A doubt, leads to an inquiry, thus I may find truth in the journey, and that is my superpower: in the process-

A few days ago… Sudden anxiety attacks that are very short and reminded me of fears I had when I was little; especially when structures seem shifting, and unknown territories are blank, I am starting to occupy myself instead of being preoccupied. Certainly looking at trading charts and the financial landscape, makes me anxious and jumpy- at times. I pick up from the fearful collective — but it is because I am starting to have a deeper,

Relationship with values, resources, money- Like I never had it before.

A different more structured supportive role:

-The energy of money (value- resources) told me the other day that I should fall in love with it, and that it takes time to get to know her.

The energy of money was represented as a tall wise elder, that was also gentle and supportive- the wise words that I heard coming out were pure wisdom:

“Take time to get to know and practice in the journey. Understand the material from the resources and their potential — how one store’s value gives the ability to trust in it-

for me it is all about freedom, the freedom to be able to seek, roam, investigate curiously, and share it — there is where I like to invest.

Do I relate to the price or to value?

What is money? Has been a deep inquiry.

That is why I have spent the last few months invested in educating myself about Bitcoin, blockchain, and what money is, I can sense a deep and lengthy commitment towards this new relationship to money as long as I can experience a deep transformation and in that process create some responsible impact, inspiring others to look at their own relationship to values and needs-

My mind at times logically looks to resolve a query, yet when I take a few steps back and I observe as in a bird’s view the abstract connections, I can synthesize and allow truth to stem from the unconscious, the matter is sensitive and it allows concrete shapes and forms to define time and purpose — the imagination flows and illuminates the day/ -enjoy would ya?

Feeling the feet; the Initial stage of Nurturing Grounding

Tilting the weight and holding the internal energy (qi) is key in Taijiquan. Shift the weight from one leg to the next: Soft movement — The balance arises from #trust, Change #perspective, and HODL. Hold those assets.

Practicing Taijiquan is not about looking good with a low stance. The stance when practicing must have a purpose. This morning, I set myself to group practice after nearly 8 years. The grounding and shifting gave me so much energy and brought back the wisdom of a practice that started almost 2 decades ago…

While I created the video, I watched the financial landscape shake, for the markets have been so volatile, the fear is the Index; there were words unspoken, as I keep grounding, tilting, shifting gently, and embracing the vulnerability of being courageous, it may bring infinite possibilities for inner strength.

I read from a book published in 1911, called The Eight Pillars of prosperity by James Allen, Sun Publishing, 1992 -



Monika Bravo
Monika Bravo

Written by Monika Bravo

Multi-disciplinary Artist - Evolutionary_Astrology- - Human being - https://linktr.ee/monikabravo I embody my own perspective

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