Trust -what is the matter?
Time is motion of the mind
Trust -what is the matter?
The investment where my peace comes from [trust]. -Ari Moshe Wolf
A practice…
Tending, Connecting
In the now.
Purity, poetry,
Purity, experience,
Purity, wisdom.
I am invested
Oh my!
In the Value of Time
I tune into spirit,
As I Calibrate
Time is motion of the mind
In the not knowing
lies my certainty of trust
covered, embraced,
surrounded by intuitive practices.
Intention, Attention
Results in Presence.
With deep attention,
In readiness
My instinct,
Everything matters
yet nothing really matters.
What is the matter?
The real substance
What is matter made of?
The mother, the origin
Is trust the origin
And The source?
Not knowing is the experience
Abundance defines form
Once upon a time
Dear reader, when I am staring at the white screen, at times I have a phrase or a memory that arises an emotion and I feel like sitting down in front of you and allowing words to take shape.
Warning: Whatever or rather whenever I write about the past as I perceived it, it all may be distorted, amplified, colored, abstracted, beautified, or at times, perhaps imaginary…
The truth is in the intention behind the words and not behind the facts, if I ask my siblings or old friends, they would most likely describe a different experience.
My emotional body is so charged, I remember (caution alert) that I begged Sat, my Taoist SIFU to show me the way to eliminate my emotions, rather than to control them, in hysterical laughter only a Chinese sage can emit, he said,
-Are you out of your mind? Instead, I will show you the difference between responding and reacting! and so he did…
To that little bit of light, allowing the darkness in the tunnel of chaos to imagine the possibility of one day if anything, I could embrace my emotional body as a gift.
And here I am now! energy in motion. Following practices known as Buddhist psychology, combined with the full Taoist Cosmology experience (Qigong, Taiji juan AKA “shadowboxing”, TCM, Feng Shui, the I Ching, Acupuncture, the whole shebang! I entered a decade of cultivating my mind and nourishing my spirit devoted to training back in 2004.
The first image I knew that the Tao was literary my way came from a box and four legs, the magic that was contained and transmitted via airwaves and that somehow both educated and conditioned generations to either dream or numb themselves…
Watching Kung fu tv series reminded me of one thing I had clear, I needed to find my wise sage who spoke in riddles, to reconnect to an ancient culture that felt so familiar in my bones. 30 years later I did, in NYC, a stay of 27 years where I found, defined, and trained my spiritual and artistic practices.
In Buddhism, emotions stem from the duality of liking — disliking — clinging — rejecting. Physiological arousal can drive our minds to believe what we perceive as true. Taoist cosmology places show the organic sequence from WU-JI (nothing, becoming taiji that emanates the feminine and masculine, then spreads into the 5 elements that also contain the wisdom of the seasons, the organs in the body, and the 5 emotions, sadness, fear, anger, joy, and anxiety.
I surrender to the beauty and the grace of spirit being one with the human experience, I surrender to a grounded, joyful body willing to integrate and elevate all duality
I release the shame and pain I have witnessed and have inflicted thus far- I am free!
A cyclic interplay of polar energies: in this phrase can be found the key to an interpretation of human experience which does not produce irreconcilable dualities and the ever-present possibility of schizophrenia and nationalistic or class wars. Life is a cyclic interplay of polar energies. Every factor in experience is always present, but it manifests in an ever varying degree of intensity. The waning of the energy of one pole within the whole of experience is always associated with the waxing in strength of the other pole.
Two forces are always active. Every conceivable mode of activity is always active within any organic whole, but some modes dominate, while others are so little active as to seem altogether inexistent. Yet non-existence is a fiction, from our point of view. It should be called instead latency. No characteristic trait in the whole universe is ever totally absent from the experience of any whole. It is only latent. And latency is still, in a sense, activity of a sort. It is a negative, introverted kind of activity.
Every human experience is bi-polar.
To know the general meaning of a cycle is to know the nature of the two basic forces which are at play throughout its course. “
The Zodiac as a Dynamic Process, -Dane Rudhyar
Fear is the only darkness
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