Zapped by Uranus: A sense of safety and homecoming in my uniqueness

Monika Bravo
12 min readApr 26, 2022


Gearing towards eclipse season — Gate 27–28: The purpose in altruism

Central part of a large floor mosaic, from a Roman villa in Sentinum, Italy. ca. 200–250 C.E. Aion, the god of eternity, is standing inside a celestial sphere decorated with zodiac signs, in between a green tree and a bare tree (summer and winter, respectively). Sitting in front of him is the mother-earth goddess, Tellus (the Roman counterpart of Gaia) with her four children, who possibly represent the four seasons.

The space between the role of the Daimōns

When one has a strong connection to the Uranian realm, where there is no time beyond what we know as defined, one also listens to the daimōn experiencing and emanating wonder. The function of the daimōn serves as a bridge between the mundane and divine realms while maintaining these boundaries and transcending them.

[Διαπορθμεύω] to carry across a river

The daimōn also guides humanity during their journey to the underworld by bringing awareness relative to what humans cannot see on their own, overseeing the transition of the human soul from the human world to the divine world.

I’ve been making connections among synchronicity, synarchy, epigenetics, blockchain, the upcoming solar eclipse at 10 degrees of Taurus, the planet Uranus being very prominent this year is starting to get close to the nodal axis- (which is really going to give us an opportunity to zap ourselves into new timelines, timeframes, where we can reconnect to places that are more in tune with our own truth.) I could stay in the realm of philo-sophy (friends of wisdom) and go quoting and quoting, but then this would become one of those articles that is full of quotes–and that’s not what I’m intending to do here. I`m going to talk more from a personal perspective; it’s really important to me when I can start applying its wisdom to my own life, or living my life and aiming to become wise in the exercise… philosophy becomes my own experience or I become my own philosophy– I become friends with my own inner wisdom.

Synchronicity– I just love that word, and Etymology, the origin of words, and the meaning given to it– but the meaning of things is useless if we do not experience them. Otherwise, it becomes a dictionary, becomes the meaning of things that meant something to somebody else. I’m connected to this word. I have had an interest in the I Ching, since age 12, which is The book of changes, the oldest oracle out there, and core to the Chinese ancestral cosmology where the Yang Heaven, the creator, the Yin Earth, the receiver, the bearer, and humanity, in the middle, here to synthesize these two energies. So it is through our own experience that we can actually integrate the separation that we feel, we can integrate the polarization that we feel, that is innate in ourselves. We have two eyes, two lungs, two kidneys, and we live in and gravitate around this realm of space and time because of the polarity of the north and the south.

Synchronicity speaks to that realm that Plato called the daimōnic realm. The daimōns are not gods, they’re like tokens, experiences that bridge ourselves from the mundane world to the world of the gods. So any deity or archetypes that we use, or feel that we relate to, this is where synchronicity comes in, there’s a very Uranian moment where we’re in touch with this realm, and when we get that information from the other side, from the gods, it’s something that it can be deciphered and can be understood in a language of the archetypes, the insight or Aha moment, two disconnected events that are revealed and give birth to a meaningful connection. Suddenly we can get access to the bolt of Uranian light that strikes suddenly and ingenious ways.

In synchronicity, Jung’s definition was inspired by the Tao te ching (Dao de jing) and the I Ching (The book of changes). Jung was interested in this ancient oracle technique, a method he used to explore the unconscious, where he found uncommon significance. He created a bridge to the west to understand the psyche from a Taoist tradition of the concept of time- Its meaning is an expression of the process of individuation — the very core of Jung’s view of depth psychology. Synchronicity is soul-making in action. The archetypes are then bridges between the inner world of the psyche and the outer world of matter.1

The word archetype comes from two Greek words, ἄρχω, árkhō, + τῠ́πος, túpos, is to begin, and typos, types, is form– so it’s a very primal form to which we assign a value that represents our human condition. There are different archetypes, but the ones that I use for Evolutionary Astrology are based on the ones I’m talking about throughout these articles (Greco Roman mythology). Right now we’re in a very interesting situation because Uranus/Aquarius are talking about liberation or freedom from the known, non-linear time and long-term memory which, with sudden shocks, reveal to ourselves that which we have to de-condition, that which we have received through our lifetime as teachings, through culture, religion and family situations, deconditioning the Saturnian/Capricornian structures. If we’re in the process of individuation and finding our own sovereignty, it means that we have to let go of that conditioning so we can establish a true relationship to who we are and what we came here for. This method starts with confronting our shadows, as one starts to observe and objectify through relational values. Thus the yin/yang, anima/animus, are synthesized through our own individual human experiences.

Right now Uranus is traveling through Taurus, and it is really asking the whole of humanity to evaluate our relationships to what we value, and what is sustainable because once we know what we value, we can actually confront our attachments, and how we feel about them. The South Node in Scorpio is making a square to Saturn, right now in Aquarius ruled by Uranus, and with Saturn, all these definitions are asking us to look to our past and to the things that we have been committing and the things that we have been attached that are no longer allowing us to grow. And they need to be zapped out, as Uranus and the North Node of the moon currently in Taurus are ruled by Venus so that what remains are the needs that we really value individually.

A place of wonder

A series of events in the last four years has led me to a place of wonder, to this beautiful place where I can look back in awe, seeing that I’m integrating all the other 18 Monika’s that I have from my past– the little ones, the crazy ones, the forgotten ones, the ones that felt abandoned, the ones that felt not cared for, the ones that there were scared inside of my psyche… I had to go back and get them, and now we live in peace, we live here in Miami Beach. It was through a bolt of energy on June 21st, 2020 that I had this dream that I had to leave New York. After 25 years in the city, just like that! Move to Miami– Uranian energy, which is unpredictable, and can feel ungrounding. My solar return on April 2020 had Uranus in exact conjunction with my Sun on the 9th house, there was no other way to feel this energy than to self-actualize myself through seeking another place beyond, a new territory where I could thrive in joy. But it’s like an opening, a threshold, in a flash, where you can see that you’re in a place that you’re not supposed to be, and you have a matter of seconds to open that threshold and just trust and jump! It’s fantastic, it’s a little bit exhilarating because for the previous two years I had been starting to feel a lot of nervousness in the way that I was leading my life, that it was no longer abiding by a kind of philosophy that I was connected to.

I had spent twenty-something years in the city becoming an artist and becoming very much acquainted with my spiritual life (which has become completely integrated into my day to day, so I’m no longer feeling separated) and while being in New York was very important for my “career”, I discovered career with no joy is the same as nothing or career with pretense is equal to nothing. There was the painful moment of recognizing that it was not a choice between my happiness and a career, there was no choice. Paraphrasing what Dane Rudhyar wrote in a paper called The Planetarization of Consciousness– the person who is truly free makes no choices; (s)he does what (s)he must do. And that’s exactly what I felt when Uranus was transiting first on top of my Mars, in 2016, it was a jolt of “Are you really going in the right direction, initiating what you want to initiate, communicating what you want to communicate?”

For a few years, I pondered those questions, and when Uranus arrived very close to Jupiter, three years ago, in April 2019, I had a severe crisis. I was almost giving up, I could not understand what it was that I was doing “wrong” (and I put “wrong” in quotes because my natal critical Uranus is in Virgo 7th house, in balsamic conjunction to Pluto 8th house, and in this lifetime, I’m really here to dissolve any ways that I have felt disempowered through relationships.) In order to feel powerful in this life, I have to be self-reliant. This is because Pluto’s polarity point is the 2nd house of Taurus. Now in order to do that, both Pluto in Virgo and Uranus in Virgo is asking me to be discerning and to surrender, to really understand objectively and choose what is right for me. The power is something I’m going to get for myself by being self-reliant, it’s not something that I’m going to wait for somebody to assign to me, or wait for some outer authority to give to me.

Surrender to the power of kindness

I remember having my birthday in 2019, here in Florida, and I was not feeling it, and I remember at one point just being so disrupted, I even called a friend and said, “I don’t know what to do anymore.” I was in a corner. Mind you, there haven’t been many situations in my life where I say I don’t know what to do– I’m extremely resourceful, and I usually manage to figure it out. But this time I had no clue. I was feeling trapped–in a body, in a place, in a city, in a situation… I just didn’t feel free anymore. I remember I went to the sea and I went inside the warm water, and I asked, “Please whisper to me what I need to do,” and I lay down, facing the sky, extended my arms, opened my palms, closed my eyes and just allowed myself to be floating, fully trusting, and then I heard the sea say to me, “You must surrender.”

And I remember saying, “More?” And it says, “No, you have not surrendered. Surrendering is not giving up, it’s just accepting. Just let go of whatever that you’re holding on to.” So I did, and I also asked the sea, “What else do I do, how do I do that?” and the sea said, “Just be kind to yourself.” So from that day on, I started practicing meditation of kindness, I started smiling when I’m alone, and it became so beautiful.

So Uranus just passed around my Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in the last three years, and it helped me zap the energy. I was very nervous, I couldn’t stay still in a place for longer than about 20 minutes, but it’s this energy that is allowing us to liberate ourselves from the conditioning that is no longer necessary, conditioning that has been established by Saturn (which is actually helping us to define ourselves, to live within a society, under a set of rules, with an order.) But when we grow up there’s a moment in life that we have to snap out of it and start looking for our own truth. Otherwise, we’re going to fall into a depression, which really means we’re suppressing something, and what we’re suppressing is the ability to free ourselves from any trauma or disconnection that we have endured, whether in past lives or in this current life.

A sense of safety and homecoming in my uniqueness

I have transiting Uranus entering my 4th house opposing my Moon right now, so there’s a lot of identification with my inner, emotional, sustainable self, and it’s going to allow me to question the way I want to be seen in the world. The polarity point with the 10th house, Capricorn/Saturn, is about how I want to really project myself as being of service to the rest of humanity in a career, or metier– but I do not want it to be separate from the sense of joy that I get from having reconnected to my emotional body, having clarified how I related painfully to certain events that are no longer part of this truth because of the work that I’ve been doing. The invitation right now with the North Node in Taurus getting so close with this solar eclipse, with the Taurus of ourselves, which is self-reliance and how we relate to our values, and with Uranus there, is really an invitation to understand what it is that we need as individuals to be able to thrive in creativity showing up in our uniqueness, and let go of any fears of not being able to be sustainable. Sustainability should come from inner authority and should allow the emotions to integrate the mind, the spirit, and the body because they’re the GPS.

Gate 27–28: The purpose of altruism

Hexagrams or Gates 27 and 28 are very present this week as the Sun and the Earth positions the Human Design system. I was born fifty-eight years ago on the 27th of April, so I’m about to have another solar return, yay! Gate 27 is the gate of nourishment, very altruistic energy, but there’s a danger with it– it’s sacral energy, it allows the energy to be able to sustain the life of others by caring, nurturing, food, shelter, really understanding what are the needs of others. But what happens is if this energy doesn’t come first to the self, then one can deplete their resources and give them to people who are not ready. My biggest learning in the last few years was to really trust my intuition to see who was ready to receive, and who was not ready or willing to receive what I had to give. I’ve been able to attune to it, and it’s been quite marvelous to see that I have a lot of energy to give, to nurture others, but I have to start with myself first.

Gate 28 is the grounding energy and the 28 is asking me to have a real purpose, to be completely clear about why I want to share, and give to and nurture others. Because I don’t have endless energy, I need to connect with human beings who are completely committed to their own sense of purpose, and if I’m asked to, I can offer what I have as my being; I can hold space and I can allow them to find a way to reconnect to themselves; I’m just there as a mirror. As a bridge for their alignment, it’s a very beautiful energy.

We’re still talking about the blockchain, we’re more and more getting to know and understand the structure of this network and what it has to offer, not just monetarily as currency, but also as opportunities to be able to work in synergy and synarchy with others. There’s a possibility of creating a wholesome environment in which we can thrive by seeing ourselves for what we are and not for the expectations that we’re creating from a sense of lack, from not having yet reconnected to our true selves.

-Can you relate to any event now that is zapping you into another timeline more akin to your truth?

-Are you still holding on to have someone save the day?

-Where and how do you relate to your sense of power?

Venus just joined Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces, Mars will approach soon, and Pluto will station retrograde this weekend with the solar eclipse on the 30th. To be honest, the skies have not been this generous in a long time, despite the Saturn squaring the nodes. It actually feels like the last push to really gather all your might to listen to your daimōn, who is, by the way, bridging your way into your freedom to be YOU — unapologetically.


As I finish this writing, Elon Musk just bought Twitter– is there a human being that is more Uranian? June 28, 1971, Mars conjunct North Node in Aquarius 5th house, Uranus on his ascendant, Sun on the Cancer Midheaven and Jupiter at 27 degrees, Scorpio is in balsamic conjunction with Neptune at 1 degree Sagittarius… Oh boy, zapping the Twitter world into private realms… (To be continued..)


Victor Mansfield. Synchronicity, Science, and Soulmaking: Understanding Jungian Synchronicity Through Physics, Buddhism, and Philosophy Paperback — December 31, 1998

Audio — Video whispers:

I intertwine between the spoken and the written word, hear my insights (different content) below. The written article is a companion (not a transcript) to the video.


00:00–01:40 58 YEARS OLD! A question of time

01:40–03:31 The Purpose of altruism gates 27–28

03:32–05:50 Sensing life non-linearly, Capsules + Satellites = the past dissolved

07:13–09:01 If you still feel disconnected from life» + upcoming eclipse season!

The background animation is an artwork called “Liquid time”, which I created back in 2009



Monika Bravo
Monika Bravo

Written by Monika Bravo

Multi-disciplinary Artist - Evolutionary_Astrology- - Human being - I embody my own perspective

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