πνεῦμα_BREATHE- New_Moon-Pisces -03.02.2022

Monika Bravo
4 min readMar 3, 2022


Psyche — Ψυχή — Dreams — όνειρα-10.12.2021- Journal entry

Telesphorus Stone Mandala by Carl Jung*

10.12.2021- Journal entry:

The dreams… my dreams have become so clear, and the state of being is so clear, and the holding space for myself is so clear… a recent clarity point was understanding the lack of necessity to create narratives for understanding, the non-necessity to relate to narratives for understanding, it’s become more important now. How, then, can we put things together, and make sense of things? Well..there are other ways of putting things together other than creating a linear narrative, the beginning and end, because that’s where the confusion sets up, and the definitions limit the capacity of connecting the dots.

Expanding on that — psychology, the word ‘Psyche’ in Greek means soul. So the soul enters the body, and the body is the vessel where emotions are the guidance system of where and what to do, where to go, what to do, and how to basically relate. It is through relationships with other people, situations, and things, that we learn slowly to understand that we are ourselves, like I am, and that we’re not alone, and that we’re connected. Now, when we only see it from the perspective of a narrative, I might see that right now I am with you, and for you, and that I am attracted to you, and then we see each other tomorrow, and it’s ok, and then something happens and it ends next week, I’m going to tell a story that has that kind of timing and description, and I’m going to identify myself with the story and the timing, and I’m going to limit myself with the story and the timing, because I won’t be able to step outside of my place to see it, or perceive it, from a different perspective, and that’s when we just get so stuck. So then what?

Well, then there are other tools, there are other things. The ‘psyche’ in psychology says, “Hey, there are other kinds of language– there are symbols, there are archetypes (that basically means there are forms, or shapes, types, and they’re primal [Arche, Greek for the beginning]) and they can point us to different kinds of interpretations than non-linear narratives because they’re abstract. They have a tone, they have a color, and they might have a function, but they are not independent, because they need the other aspects and other definitions or non-definitions to connect to. And then we can create a new narrative, one narrative has a symbology that is universal, but not personal. Because when we make things only so personal, we cannot see the non-personal, so the individual perspective needs to understand that there is a communal perspective that creates the collective. The collective is that thing over there, that is full of things and people and situations and narratives, but it is separated, it’s alienated in a way, it doesn’t have an individual perception, perspective, it’s just a collective of a bunch of things. So then going back to that relational situation where one can enter the language of the dreams, or mythology, or whatever else — this is psych-ology, the Logos of the Psyche, and it’s the way to make sense with what comes from somewhere that is completely undefinable, bringing information from Spirit.

You see, there’s a difference between Spirit and soul– the Spirit is all-encompassing, it’s everything that is, it’s all that is, it’s {Wuji} — Taoist No mind, it’s Zen as in emptiness, it’s the “Alpha and the omega” {Άλφα και Ωμέγα}, it’s G*D, it’s whatever we want to call it. There are so many names for the Spirit, and then as we are part of that Spirit, we can, as a soul, become individual, singular. And as individuals we have something very important which is called the Ego {Εγώ}, which means I am, SOHUM { सो ऽहम् “I am He/She/That” in Sanskrit} because it’s the only way, through the Ego, the lens, the identity that I am able to perceive that personal and individual perspective.

*Time is a child playing like a child playing a board game the kingdom of the child. This is Telesphoros, who roams through the dark regions of this cosmos and glows like a star out of the depths. He points the way to the gates of the sun and to the land of dreams.- Telesphorus Stone Mandala by Carl Jung

In Greek there are two words associated with breath that both mean soul and spirit, ‘ψυχή’, ‘πνευμάτων’.

March 2, 2022: I felt connected to the spirit through the breath via my soul and I recorded my words in the video above.

There is a new opportunity to settle into your Breath the image of Ji Ji is that of a kettle of water (upper trigram) boiling over a fire (lower Trigram). Alertness, great power if water doesn’t spill or evaporates.

I AM OPTimist because the opportunity to breathe is in every moment of presence (in awareness).

AFTER COMPLETION Hexagram — Gate — Gene key 63- Doubt — Inquiry — Truth “..We already know and are Truth. After Completion, the Truth will stand revealed for us all to see. This is the only Truth there is. At the same time, we’re moving through a hall of mirrors as we witness the unraveling of Truth.” — Richard Rudd, 64 Ways.

You will find all the links about my artwork, my astrology sessions + interviews + articles + more: my link.tree and my integrated bio



Monika Bravo
Monika Bravo

Written by Monika Bravo

Multi-disciplinary Artist - Evolutionary_Astrology- - Human being - https://linktr.ee/monikabravo I embody my own perspective

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